Hiring a personal assistant can be a godsend—whether you’re a business leader with too many non-work-related daily responsibilities or a busy working parent trying to manage an equally busy homefront. And if you’re merely overwhelmed by a pile of projects or tedious tasks? Hiring a personal assistant might be your answer, too! A personal assistant brings a sense of calm and order to your life, taking care of tasks you don’t have time or patience for, so you can concentrate on the bigger challenges at hand.
Personal assistantships are a growing employment category. Currently, more than 40,000 personal assistants work in the United States. And the demand in the category of “elite personal assistants” is, reportedly, overwhelming. A personal assistant is a sound communicator, an effective administrator, and an all-around talent that can make your day run more smoothly. What can a personal assistant do for you? Here are 8 ways your life will improve when you hire an assistant.
1. You’ll Never Worry About Missing a Call

Tired of having to be available to everyone at all times? Worried that if you take a breather from your phone, or step into an important meeting at work, you might miss an urgent call from home? When you hire a personal assistant, you have a very reliable failsafe standing between you and any missed calls. Your assistant is adept at alerting you to any urgent matters and personally taking care of anything else along the way.
2. Your Schedules Will Never Collide
Personal assistants help busy folks keep track of every aspect of their lives by creating and maintaining multiple calendars—and, if you have active kids, you know that this alone will save your sanity. You’ll stay on time and on-task, you won’t be over scheduled or double-booked, and if you have to cancel a meeting or appointment, your assistant can take care of the whole ordeal—including rescheduling.
3. Your Email Queue Will No Longer Suffer From Bloat and Rot
Email bloat is real. And it’s overwhelming. Assistants come to you with strong email management skills. Which means, they are adept at organizing new emails, creating folders where related messages can be stored, and creating tasks out of those emails that need completion. They can also alert you to urgent messages, delete your spam, and unsubscribe you from the ever-multiplying number of marketing emails vying for your attention.
4. You’ll Have An In-House Planner
Whether it’s a lunch meeting or a themed birthday party for your toddler, an assistant will take your party ideas and turn them into reality. From booking venues, creating seating charts, hiring caterers, arranging entertainment, sending out invites—all while optimizing your budget— your assistant will make sure your event is planned to your specifications. All you’ll have to do is show up.
5. You’ll Have a Partner in Budget-Consciousness
Personal assistants are strong money managers as well, managing bookkeeping, providing any budgeting guidance, and even acting as negotiators on behalf of managers when dealing with clients or brands. Furthermore, personal assistants handle loan and debt management duties while also organizing any tax documentation. Assistants are an extra set of hands and eyes that ensure people don’t spend more than they have to and stay financially responsible.
6. Paperwork Will No Longer be the Bane of Your Existence

Paperwork mounts quickly. And then sits there in an ever-growing pile taunting you everyday. If you feel like your paperwork is winning the war over your sanity, a personal assistant can help.
When you hire a personal assistant, you get someone who has strong administrative qualities and knows where all of your paperwork should be filed. Personal assistants can digitize paper documents and then organize it through a strong, cloud-based content management system.
If this isn’t enough, think of your personal assistant as your password vault. Conservative estimates show that looking for passwords takes up a good 10% of your day. (Ok. We made that one up, but it seems like that some days, doesn’t it?) Let your assistant handle the password tracking, so you can get down to the real business of the day!
7. You’ll Have an In-House Research Assistant
Personal assistants can also conduct formal or informal research on your behalf, summarize any findings, and make recommendations based on those findings. They will also secure high-value resources for you to go through at your leisure. When you already have all the information you need at your fingertips, making decisions is suddenly a snap. Time savings? Incalculable.
8. Scribbling Notes in Meetings? No Longer a Thing.
Say goodbye to your stubby pencil. Stop looking for a notebook with a clean page in it. Your assistant is there to take notes. Whether they choose to record the meeting and then transcribe it for you or take to scribbling and provide a thorough accounting later, your assistant will take care of note-taking duties from now on. Which leaves you to engage in the meeting. Ponder the bigger picture. And not worry that your abysmal handwriting will leave you wondering what you wrote.
Are You Looking for a Personal Assistant?
KangarooStar can help! Learn more about our services today.